Feb 09, 2022 801 views
One of the best ways to build a community is by giving back, not just with money or supplies, but by giving of self and time. The Ivory Homes warranty team had the opportunity to do just that – they donated an hour of their time to personally go and fill food bags, funded by private community donations, at the Usana Foundation in West Valley for children in schools across the Salt Lake Valley who cannot afford a meal.
“It was very well organized and filling the bags was easy,” said Liz Wolfgram, Ivory Homes’ Warranty Team Manager. “They’ve done a great job with it.”
The Usana Foundation facilitates the assembly of 1,200 bags of food, funded by private donations, into the hands of children who need it every week, and the food comes in black, discreet bags so that they don’t feel embarrassed about taking them.
“We were shocked at the sheer number of bags! It is a great program, and we were happy to participate,” said Liz, “We went and volunteered during the day and it was fun and easy, but it felt like we were doing something good.”
Touched by the stories they heard of how grateful the children are that receive these bags, Liz commented, “It helps remind you that your life is not so bad.”
In the spirit of giving back and building community, we encourage all community members everywhere to participate in the Show Up For Utah challenge issued by Lady Abby Cox.
Learn more about the challenge at www.showuputah.org/service.